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Paragraphs in "Agreement On Cooperation In Research, Conservation And Management Of Marine Mammals In The North Atlantic" coded as HOBS

Label Provision
Art.1 Article 1
Art.1.1x There is hereby established an international organization that shall be known as the North Atlantic Marine Mammal Commission (NAMMCO).
Art.3 Article 3
Art.3.1x The Commission shall consist of:
Art.3.1x.a (a) a Council;
Art.3.1x.b (b) Management Committees;
Art.3.1x.c (c) a Scientific Committee;
Art.3.1x.d (d) a Secretariat.
Art.4 Article 4
Art.4.1 1. Each Party shall be a member of the Council.
Art.4.2 2. The functions of the Council shall be:
Art.4.2.a (a) to provide a forum for the study, analysis and exchange of information among the Parties on matters concerning marine mammals in the North Atlantic;
Art.4.2.b (b) to establish appropriate Management Committees and coordinate their activities;
Art.4.2.c (c) to establish guidelines and objectives for the work of the Management Committees;
Art.4.2.d (d) to establish working arrangements with the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea and other appropriate organizations;
Art.4.2.e (e) to coordinate requests for scientific advice;
Art.4.2.f (f) to establish cooperation with States not Parties to this Agreement in order to further the objective set out in Article 2.
Art.4.3 3. Decisions of the Council shall be taken by the unanimous vote of those members present and casting an affirmative vote.
Art.8 Article 8
Art.8.1x The Council may agree to admit observers to meetings of the Commission when such admission is consistent with the objective set out in Article 2.