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Paragraphs in "ASEAN Agreement On The Conservation Of Nature And Natural Resources" coded as DESCR

Label Provision
Pre.1 The Government of Brunei Darussalam,
Pre.2 The Government of the Republic of Indonesia,
Pre.3 The Government of Malaysia,
Pre.4 The Government of the Republic of the Philippines
Pre.5 The Government of the Republic of Singapore and
Pre.6 The Government of the Kingdom of Thailand,
Pre.7 Member States of the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) :
Pre.8 RECOGNIZING the importance of natural resources for present and future generations;
Pre.9 CONSCIOUS of their ever-growing value from a scientific, cultural, social and economic point of view;
Pre.10 CONSCIOUS also that the inter-relationship between conservation and socioeconomic development implies both that conservation is necessary to ensure sustainability of development, and that socioeconomic development is necessary for the achievement of conservation on a lasting basis;
Pre.11 RECOGNIZING the interdependence of living resources, between them and with other natural resources, within ecosystems of which they are part;
Pre.12 WISHING TO UNDERTAKE individual and joint action for the conservation and management of their living resources and the other natural elements on which they depend;
Pre.13 RECOGNIZING that international co-operation is essential to attain many of these goals;
Pre.14 CONVINCED that an essential means to achieve such concerted action is the conclusion and implementation of a. Agreement;
Pre.15 Have agreed as follows :
Art.1.1 (1) The Contracting Parties, within the frame- work of their respective national laws, under- take to adopt singly, or where necessary and appropriate through concerted action, the measures necessary to maintain essential ecological process and life-support systems, to preserve genetic diversity, and to ensure the sustainable utilization of harvested natural resources under their jurisdiction in accordance with scientific principles and with a view to attaining the goal of sustainable development.
Art.1.2 (2) To this end they shall develop national conservation strategies, and shall co-ordinate such strategies within the framework of a conservation strategy for the Region.
Art.6.1 (1) The Contracting Parties shall, in view of the role of vegetation and forest cover in the functioning of natural ecosystems, take all necessary measures to ensure the conservation of the vegetation cover and in particular of the forest cover on lands under their jurisdiction.
Art.6.2 (2) They shall, in particular, endeavour to
Art.6.2.a (a) - control clearance of vegetation;
Art.6.2.a.ix - endeavour to prevent bush and forest fires;
Art.6.2.a.iix - prevent overgrazing by, inter alia, limiting grazing activities to periods and intensities that will not prevent regeneration of the vegetation;
Art.6.2.b (b) regulate mining and mineral exploration operations with a view to minimizing disturbance of vegetation and to requiring the rehabilitation of vegetation after such operations;
Art.6.2.c (c) set aside areas as forest reserves, inter alia, with a view to conserve the natural forest genetic resources;
Art.6.2.d (d) in reforestation and afforestation planning avoid as far as possible monoculture causing ecological imbalance;
Art.6.2.e (e) designate areas whose primary function shall be the,. maintenance of soil quality in the catchment considered and the regulation of the quantity and quality of the water delivered from it;
Art.6.2.f (f) ensure to the maximum extent possible the conservation of their natural forests, particularly mangroves with a view, inter alia, to maintaining maximum forest species diversity;
Art.6.2.g (g) develop their forestry management plans on the basis of ecological principles with a view to, maintaining potential for optimum sustained yield and avoiding depletion of the resource capital.
Art.7.1x The Contracting Parties shall, in view of the role of soil in the functioning of natural ecosystems, take measures, wherever possible towards soil conservation, improvement and rehabilitation; they shall, in particular, endeavour to take steps to prevent soil erosion and other forms of degradation, and promote measures which safeguard the processes of organic decomposition and thereby its continuing fertility. To that effect, they shall, in particular, endeavour to
Art.7.1x.a (a) establish land use policies aimed at avoiding losses of Vegetation cover, substantial soil loss, ad damages to the structure of the soil;
Art.7.1x.b (b) take all necessary measures to control erosion, especially as it may affect coastal or freshwater ecosystems leading to silation, of downstream areas such as lakes or vulnerable ecosystems such as coral reefs, or damage critical habitats, in particular that of endangered or endemic species;
Art.7.1x.c (c) take appropriate measures to rehabilitate eroded or degraded soils including rehabilitation of soil affected by mineral exploitation.
Art.8.1 (1) The Contracting Parties shall, in view of the role of water in the functioning of natural ecosystems, take all appropriate measures towards the conservation of their underground and surface water resources.
Art.8.2 (2) They shall to that effect, in particular, endeavour to
Art.8.2.a (a) undertake and promote the necessary hydrological research especially with a view to ascertaining the characteristics of each watershed;
Art.8.2.b (b) regulate and control water utilization with a view to achieving sufficient and continuous supply of water for, inter alia, the maintenance of natural life supporting systems and aquatic fauna and flora:
Art.8.2.c (c) when planning and carrying out water resource development projects take fully into account possible effects of .h projects on natural processes or on other renewable natural resources and prevent or minimize such effects.
Art.9.1x The Contracting Parties shall in view of the role of air in the functioning of natural ecosystems, endeavour to take all appropriate measures towards air quality management compatible with sustainable development.
Art.11 ARTICLE 11
Art.11.1x The Contracting Parties, recognizing the adverse effect that polluting discharges or Missions may have on natural processes and the functioning of natural ecosystems as well as on each of the individual ecosystem components especially animal and plants species, shall endeavour to prevent, reduce and control such discharges, emissions or applications in particular by
Art.11.1x.a (a) submitting activities likely to cause pollution of the air, soil, freshwater, or the marine environment, to control which shall take into consideration both the- cumulative effects of the pollutants concerned and the self-purificating aptitude of the recipient natural environment;
Art.11.1x.b (b) making such controls conditional on, inter alia, appropriate treatment of polluting emissions; and
Art.11.1x.c (c) establishing national environmental quality monitoring programmes, particular attention being paid to the effects of pollution on natural ecosystems, and co-operation in such programmes for the Region as a whole.