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Paragraphs in "Constitutional Agreement Of The Latin American Organization For Fisheries Development" coded as SBF

Label Provision
Art.12 Article 12 - MEETINGS
Art.12.1x The Conference of Ministers shall hold a regular meeting once a year. It may also hold extraordinary meetings at the request of at least one half plus one of the Member States. The meetings shall be convened by the Executive Director and shall be held at OLDEPESCA Headquarters, except when otherwise agreed upon by the Conference of Ministers.
Art.12.2x The Conference of Ministers shall elect a Chairman and a Vice-Chairman. The Executive Director shall act as Secretary of the said Conference.
Art.12.3x At the first ordinary meeting of the Conference of Ministers, the first Chairman and Vice-Chairman shall be elected by consensus. Should there be no consensus those officers shall be elected by a vote of no less than two thirds of the Member States present.
Art.12.4x The Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Conference of Ministers shall act in those capacities until the following Regular Meeting and shall preside over the extraordinary meetings to be held during this period.
Art.12.5x Afterwards, the offices of Chairman and the Vice-Chairman shall be held successively by the Minister of each country in alphabetical order according to the Spanish language.
Art.12.6x During the exercise of his functions, the Chairman or whoever is acting as such, shall be replaced as a representative of his Government by the delegate appointed to this end.
Art.12.7x During the meetings of the Conference of Ministers, the Permanent Secretariat of SELA shall act as observer, as may all those countries or international organizations the Conference may invite. The Conference may also hold meetings that may be attended only by its members.
Art.16 Article 16 - POWERS
Art.16.1x The Governing Board shall formulate, analyze, revise, propose and recommend to the Conference all those provisions necessary for the application of this Agreement and achievement of its objectives. To this end, the Governing Board has the following powers:
Art.16.1x.a a. To make recommendations to the Conference of Ministers for the fastest development of the sector, bearing in mind the food requirements of the people, the needs of the workers and entrepreneurs, and the need to attain an adequate level in the utilization of resources. In this sense, it shall make recommendations on the following matters:
Art.16.1x.a.1 1. The general policy of the Organization.
Art.16.1x.a.2 2. Revision, amendment or supplementing of the regional cooperation areas established in Article 5 of this Agreement.
Art.16.1x.a.3 3. The reports and proposals of the Executive Director.
Art.16.1x.a.4 4. The Program of Activities, Budget of the Organization and External Audit.
Art.16.1x.a.5 5. The creation of Technical Committees or other systems of cooperation.
Art.16.1x.a.6 6. The evaluation of the operation of the Organization.
Art.16.1x.a.7 7. Other matters pertaining to the Organization.
Art.16.1x.b b. To consider and to propose to the Conference of Ministers the amendments to the Agreement, and Regulations made hereunder directed to strengthen the Organization and to improve its operation.
Art.16.1x.c c. To select the external auditor considering the proposals of the Executive Director.
Art.17 Article 17 - MEETINGS
Art.17.1x The Governing Board shall hold an Ordinary Meeting once a year prior to the Annual Meeting of the Conference of Ministers. It may hold extraordinary meetings at the request of at least one half plus one of the Member Countries or of the Conference of Ministers.
Art.17.2x The Meeting of the Governing Board shall be convened by the Executive Director and shall be held at OLDEPESCA headquarters except when otherwise agreed upon by the Conference of Ministers.
Art.17.3x The Governing Board shall elect a Chairman and a Vice-Chairman from among its Members. The Executive Director shall act as Secretary.
Art.17.4x At the first ordinary meeting of the Board the first Chairman and Vice-Chairman shall be elected in the same manner as that set out in Article 12.
Art.17.5x The Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Governing Board shall act in those capacities until the following Regular Meeting and shall preside over the special meetings to be held during this period.
Art.17.6x Afterwards, the office of Chairman and Vice-Chairman shall be held successively by the representative of each country in alphabetical order according to the Spanish language.
Art.17.7x During the exercise of his functions, the Chairman or whoever is acting as such, shall be replaced as a representative of his Government by the respective alternate representative.
Art.18. Article 18 - QUORUM
Art.18.1x The Governing Board may hold meetings only with the attendance of at least plus one of its members.
Art.21 Article 21 - FUNCTIONS
Art.21.1x The Executive Director is the highest executive officer of OLDEPESCA. His functions are as follows:
Art.21.1x.a a. To carry out policies of OLDEPESCA within the objectives of the Organization and the resolutions of the Conference of Ministers.
Art.21.1x.b b. To prepare the Program of Activities of OLDEPESCA and its Budget to be submitted to the Governing Board and to the Conference of Ministers.
Art.21.1x.c c. To adopt the technical and administrative measures necessary to hold the Conference of Ministers and the Governing Board.
Art.21.1x.d d. To prepare, in close coordination with the countries, the technical proposals to be considered by the Governing Board and the Conference of Ministers.
Art.21.1x.e e. To act as Secretary at the Meeting of the Conference of Ministers and the Governing Board.
Art.21.1x.f f. To engage and dismiss from office the personnel he may deem necessary for the efficient performance of the functions of OLDEPESCA and the advisers required to carry out the Program of Activities.
Art.21.1x.g g. To propose to the Governing Board the creation of Technical Committees and systems of cooperation he may deem necessary for the formulation and execution of specific projects.
Art.21.1x.h h. To receive contributions from Member Countries and to manage the assets of OLDEPESCA.
Art.21.1x.i i. To draft and submit for consideration to the Board the financial reports of OLDEPESCA.
Art.21.1x.j j. To propose and to hire external auditing services for each financial report according to Article 16 (c) of the present Agreement.
Art.21.1x.k k. To represent OLDEPESCA before the different governments, conferences and other forums related to the Organization. Similarly, to be its legal representative.
Art.21.1x.l l. To attend without the right to vote the Meetings of the Conference of Ministers and the Governing Board.
Art.21.1x.m m. To exercise the powers vested upon him expressly by the Conference of Ministers or Governing Board.
Art.21.1x.n n. To propose to the Conference of Ministers or to the Governing Board the measures to be adopted which may contribute to a better organization and operation of the Executive Management Board.
Art.21.1x.n? ñ. To make such financial arrangements as are in keeping with the mandates of the Conference of Ministers and Organization policies for the adequate development of the Organization and its Program of Activities.
Art.21.1x.o o. To sign international technical cooperation agreements approved by the Governing Board and by the Conference of Ministers to achieve the objectives of OLDEPESCA.
Art.21.1x.p p. To appoint or remove the Assistant Executive Director informing the Governing Board and the Conference of Ministers so the latter may pronounce on it.
Art.22.1x The Assistant Executive Director shall perform the duties that the Executive Director assigns to him and shall represent him during his absence. To be appointed to this position, the same requirements which are established in Article 20 in respect of the appointment of Executive Director shall be met.
Art.23.1x The Executive Director shall appoint personnel for the Executive Management Board. To this end, he shall consider above all the efficiency, competence and honesty of the candidates. If possible and in so far as this is not incompatible with the previous criterion, consideration shall be given to the desirability of obtaining as wide a Latin American geographical representation as possible. During the exercise of their functions, personnel shall not receive or seek instructions from any Government or from any other authority external to OLDEPESCA.
Sect.3.4 Fourth Section. Technical Committees
Art.24.1x The Conference of Ministers may on its own initiative or at the proposal of the Governing Board set up such technical committees and systems of operation as may be thought necessary for the formulation and execution of specific projects. The Technical Committees shall be composed of representatives of the Countries participating in the respective projects. The periods of operation of such shall not continue longer than the life of the project being carried out. The Committees shall report their activities to the Executive Director and he, in turn to the Governing Board. The Executive Management Board shall actin in the execution of the different projects.
Art.27 Article 27 - BUDGET
Art.27.1x The operations of OLDEPESCA shall be financed through annual contributions made by the Member Countries. The Executive Management Board shall propose to the Governing Board a draft budget and a quota of annual contributions due from Member Countries in keeping with the system established by the Conference of Ministers. The fiscal year begins January 1st, and ends December 31st. OLDEPESCA seek additional sources of funds to finance its operation. The Conference of Ministers shall determine the means to achieve this objective.
Art.35 Article 35 - AMENDMENTS
Art.35.1x Any State party to this Agreement may, through the Executive Management Board propose the amendment or alteration of this Agreement and the Executive Management Board shall report the proposal to other States party to this Agreement.
Art.35.2x The Conference of Ministers shall examine the proposals during its next ordinary meeting or it may under Article 12 call for an Extraordinary meeting. Proposals for amendment shall be voted on in accordance with Article 14 and shall, if approved, enter into force (thirty days after the fourth notification) in the same manner as set out in Article 33.