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Paragraphs in "Benelux Convention On Nature Conservation And Landscape Protection" coded as SUBS

Label Provision
Art.1 Article I
Art.1.1 1. The purpose of this Convention is to regulate concerted action and co-operation among the three Governments in the field of conservation, management and rehabilitation of the natural environment and landscapes.
Art.1.2 2. For the purposes of this Convention, these terms shall have the following meaning:
Art.1.2.ax natural environment: the physical surroundings of man, including a-biotic (non-living) elements such as rocks, water and the atmosphere and biotic (living) elements embracing natural and semi-natural biocenoses including plants and animals in the wild states;
Art.1.2.bx natural area: an area in which the biocenoses are not, are no longer, or are only slightly influenced by human action, except where such action is intended to preserve or develop these biocenoses;
Art.1.2.cx landscape: a tangible part of the earth defined by the relation and interaction of various factors: soil, relief, water, climate, flora, fauna and man. Within a specified landscape unit, these phenomena give rise to a pattern resulting from the combination of natural, cultural, historical, functional and visual aspects. The landscape may be considered as a reflection of the attitude of the community to its natural environment and the way in which it acts on this environment;
Art.1.2.dx conservation, management and rehabilitation: passive or active measures intended to preserve or develop biological, cultural, historical and aesthetic values;
Art.1.2.ex transboundary park or area: a park or area lying across an intra-Benelux border.
Art.2 Article 2
Art.2.0x To achieve the purposes referred to in article 1, the three Governments agree to co-operate in the following areas:
Art.2.1 1. harmonization of relevant policy principles and instruments, to the extent that they deem necessary, and, in particular, the harmonization of laws and regulations governing the subject of this Convention;
Art.2.2 2. information exchange and concerted action on new measures and new developments to align or coordinate the policies of each of the three countries with regard to transboundary natural areas and landscapes of value;
Art.2.3 3. organization of co-ordinated information and education campaigns;
Art.2.4 4. exchange of scientific data and, as appropriate, the conduct of joint research;
Art.2.5 5. co-ordinated implementation of agreements concluded within a wider international framework.
Art.3 Article 3
Art.3.0x To ensure effective protection of their transboundary natural areas and landscapes of value, the three Governments shall undertake or develop the following activities:
Art.3.1 1. development of protection and management concepts for transboundary natural areas and landscapes of value, including transboundary parks, as well as areas of importance for migratory species; definition of criteria to be fulfilled by the aforesaid areas, their protection and management;
Art.3.2 2. establishment of an inventory, demarcation and granting of protective status to the areas referred to in subparagraph 1, on which a decision has been taken in accordance with article 1 of the present Convention;
Art.3.3 3. establishment of harmonious programmes for the management and protection of the areas referred to in subparagraph 1, on which a decision has been taken in accordance with article 4 of the present Convention;
Art.3.4 4. regular concerted action with a view to implementing the programmes referred to in subparagraph 3 above:
Art.3.5 5. reciprocal consultation on development projects involving the aforesaid transboundary areas and which might adversely affect them.
Art.7 Article 7
Art.7.1 1. Each of the three Governments retains the right to authorize departures from the provisions of this Convention and to the decisions taken to implement it, subject to the prior approval of the Committee of Ministers recorded in a decision taken in conformity with article 4 of this Convention.
Art.7.2 2. In the cases of emergency, however, and as long as there is no prejudice to the objectives of this Convention, each of the Governments may adopt and apply measures that depart from the provisions of this Convention, over a maximum period of three months, pending decision by the Committee of Ministers. The other Governments shall be informed of such provisional departure from this Convention through the Secretary-General of the Benelux Economic Union.
Art.8 Article 8
Art.8.1x In pursuance of article 1, paragraph 2, of the Treaty relating to the institution and statute of a Benelux Court of Justice, the provisions of this Convention shall be designated as common legal rules for the application of chapters III and IV of the aforesaid Treaty.