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Paragraphs in "Convention For The Conservation Of Salmon In The North Atlantic Ocean" coded as SCOP

Label Provision
Art.1.1 1. This Convention applies to the salmon stocks which migrate beyond areas of fisheries jurisdiction of coastal States of the Atlantic Ocean north of 36° N latitude throughout their migratory range.
Art.1.2 2. Nothing in this Convention shall affect the rights, claims or views of any Party with regard to the limits or extent of jurisdiction over fisheries, nor shall it prejudice the views or positions of any Party with respect to the law of the sea.
Art.2.1 1. Fishing of salmon is prohibited beyond areas of fisheries jurisdiction of coastal States.
Art.2.2 2. Within areas of fisheries jurisdiction of coastal States, fishing of salmon is prohibited beyond 12 nautical miles from the baselines from which the breadth of the territorial sea is measured, except in the following areas:
Art.2.2.a (a) in the West Greenland Commission area, up to 40 nautical miles from the baselines; and
Art.2.2.b (b) in the North-East Atlantic Commission area, within the area of fisheries jurisdiction of the Faroe Islands.
Art.2.3 3. The Parties shall invite the attention of any State not a Party to this Convention to any matter relating to the activities of the vessels of that State which appears to affect adversely the conservation, restoration, enhancement or rational management of salmon stocks subject to this Convention or the implementation of the Convention.
Art.18 ARTICLE 18
Art.18.1x This Convention shall apply, insofar as the European Economic Community is concerned, to the territories in which the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community is applied and under the conditions laid down in that Treaty.