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Paragraphs in "Regional Convention For The Conservation Of The Red Sea And Gulf Of Aden Environment" coded as SCOP

Label Provision
Art.2.0x The present Convention shall apply to the entire sea area, taking into account integrated ecosystems of the Red Sea, Gulf of Aqaba, Gulf of Suez, Suez Canal to its end on the Mediterranean, and the Gulf of Aden as bounded by the following rhumb lines:
Art.2.1 1. From Ras Dharbat Ali (lat. 16d*39' N, long. 53d*03.5' E), thence to a point (lat. 16d*00' N, long. 53d*25' E), thence to a point (lat. 12d*40' N, long. 55d*00' E) lying ENE of Socotra Island, thence to Ras Hafun (lat. 10d*26' N, long. 51d*25' E).
Art.2.2 2. Any Contracting Party may request the Organization to include areas within that Party's national jurisdiction and lying adjacent to those described in paragraph 1 above within the area of application of this Convention or for the purposes of activities resulting therefrom.
Art.2.3 3. The geographical coverage does not include internal waters of the Contracting Parties unless otherwise stated in this Convention or any of its protocols.