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Paragraphs in "International Plant Protection Convention (1979 Revised Text)" coded as DISP

Label Provision
Art.9 ARTICLE IX Settlement of disputes
Art.9.1 1. If there is any dispute regarding the interpretation or application of this Convention, or if a contracting party considers that any action by another contracting party is in conflict with the obligations of the latter under Articles V and VI of this Convention, especially regarding the basis of prohibiting or restricting the imports of plants or plant products coming from its territories, the government or governments concerned may request the Director-General of FAO to appoint a committee to consider the question in dispute.
Art.9.2 2. The Director-General of FAO shall thereupon, after consultation with the governments concerned, appoint a committee of experts which shall include representatives of those governments. This committee shall consider the question in dispute, taking into account all documents and other forms of evidence submitted by the governments concerned. This committee shall submit a report to the Director-General of FAO, who shall transmit it to the governments concerned and to the governments of other contracting parties.
Art.9.3 3. The contracting parties agree that the recommendations of such a committee, while not binding in character, will become the basis for renewed consideration by the governments concerned of the matter out of which the disagreement arose.
Art.9.4 4. The governments concerned shall share equally the expenses of the experts.