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Paragraphs in "European Convention For The Protection Of Animals Kept For Farming Purposes" coded as IMPL

Label Provision
Art.2 Article 2
Art.2.1x Each Contracting Party shall give effect to the principles of animal welfare laid down in Articles 3 to 7 of this Convention.
Art.7 Article 7
Art.7.1 1. The condition and state of health of animals shall be thoroughly inspected at intervals sufficient to avoid unnecessary suffering and in the case of animals kept in modern intensive stock-farming at least once a day.
Art.7.2 2. The technical equipment used in modern intensive stock-farming systems shall be thoroughly inspected at least once a day, and any defect discovered shall be remedied with the least possible delay. When a defect cannot be remedied forthwith, all temporary measures necessary to safeguard the welfare of the animals shall be taken immediately.
Chapt.2.2 Chapter II - Detailed implementation