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Paragraphs in "European Agreement On The Restriction Of The Use Of Certain Detergents In Washing And Cleaning Products" coded as RELA

Label Provision
Pre.2 Considering that the Parties to the Brussels Treaty of 17th March 1948, as amended on 23rd October 1954, resolved to strengthen the social ties by which they are united and to make every effort in common, both by direct consultation and in specialized Agencies, to raise the standard of living of their peoples and promote the harmonious development of social services in their respective countries;
Pre.3 Considering that the social activities governed by the Brussels Treaty and carried on, until 1959, under the auspices of the Brussels Treaty Organisation and the Western European Union are now conducted within the framework of the Council of Europe, in accordance with the decision taken on 21st October 1959 by the Council of Western European Union and with Resolution (59) 23 adopted on 16th November 1959 by the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe;
Pre.4 Considering that the Swiss Confederation and the Kingdom of Denmark have participated since 6th May 1964 and 2nd April 1968 respectively in activities in the field of public health carried on under the aforesaid resolution;
Pre.5 Whereas the aim of the Council of Europe is to achieve greater unity between its members, so as to further economic and social progress by agreements and by common action in economic, social, cultural, scientific, legal and administrative matters;
Art.3.1.a a. no products of the kind referred to in Article 1 are put on the market unless the anionic and non-ionic surfactants which they contain are at least 80% susceptible to biological degradation as determined by the best practical techniques, such as the OECD reference method or any other method providing equivalent results;
Art.3.1x The Contracting Parties shall, every five years, or more frequently if one of the Parties should so request, hold multilateral consultations within the Council of Europe to examine the application of this Agreement, and the advisability of revising it or extending any of its provisions. These consultations shall take place at meetings convened by the Secretary General of the Council of Europe. The Contracting Parties shall communicate the name of their representative to the Secretary General of the Council of Europe at least two months before the meetings.
Art.4.1 1. This Agreement shall be open to signature by member States of the Council of Europe which take part in the activities in the field of public health referred to in Resolution (59) 23 mentioned in the Preamble hereto. They may become Parties to it by either:
Art.4.2 2. Instruments of ratification or acceptance shall be deposited with the Secretary General of the Council of Europe.
Art.5.1 1. This Agreement shall enter into force one month after the date on which three member States of the Council shall have become Parties to the Agreement, in accordance with the provisions of Article 4.
Art.6.1.a a. any member State of the Council of Europe which does not take part in the activities in the field of public health referred to in Resolution (59) 23 mentioned in the Preamble to this Agreement, may accede thereto;
Art.6.1.b b. the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe may invite any State not a member of the Council to accede to this Agreement provided that the resolution containing such invitation receives the unanimous agreement by member States of the Council of Europe which take part in the activities in the field of public health referred to in Resolution (59) 23 mentioned in the Preamble to this Agreement.
Art.6.2 2. Such accession shall be effected by depositing with the Secretary General of the Council of Europe an instrument of accession which shall take effect one month after the date of its deposit.
Art.7.2 2. Any Contracting Party may, when depositing its instrument of ratification, acceptance or accession or at any later date, by declaration addressed to the Secretary General of the Council of Europe, extend this Agreement to any other territory or territories specified in the declaration and for whose international relations it is responsible or on whose behalf it is authorized to give undertakings.
Art.8.2 2. Any Contracting Party may, in so far as it is concerned, denounce this Agreement by means of a notification addressed to the Secretary General of the Council of Europe.
Art.8.3 3. Such denunciation shall take effect six months after the date of receipt by the Secretary General of such notification.
Art.9.1x The Secretary General of the Council of Europe shall notify the member States of the Council and any State which has acceded to this Agreement, of:
Conc.2 Done at Strasbourg, this 16th day of September 1968, in the English and French languages, both texts being equally authoritative, in a single copy which shall remain deposited in the archives of the Council of Europe. The Secretary General of the Council of Europe shall transmit certified copies to each of the signatory and acceding States.