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Paragraphs in "African Convention On The Conservation Of Nature And Natural Resources" coded as SUBS

Label Provision
Art.2 Article II Fundamental Principle
Art.2.1x The contracting States shall undertake to adopt the measures necessary to ensure conservation, utilization and development of soil, water, flora and faunal resources in accordance with scientific principles and with due regard to the best interests of the people.
Art.4 Article IV Soil
Art.4.1x The contracting States shall take effective measures for conservation and improvement of the soil and shall in particular combat erosion and misuse of the soil. To this end:
Art.4.1x.a (a) they shall establish land-use plans based on scientific investigations (ecological, pedological, economic, and sociological) and, in particular, classification of land-use capability;
Art.4.1x.b (b) they shall, when implementing agricultural practices and agrarian reforms,
Art.4.1x.b.1 (1) improve soil conservation and introduce improved farming methods, which ensure long-term productivity of the land;
Art.4.1x.b.2 (2) control erosion caused by various forms of land-use which may lead to loss of vegetation cover.
Art.5 Article V Water
Art.5.1 1. The contracting States shall establish policies for conservation, utilization and development of underground and surface water, and shall endeavour to guarantee for their populations a sufficient and continuous supply of suitable water, taking appropriate measures with due regard to –
Art.5.1.a (a) the study of water cycles and the investigation of each catchment area;
Art.5.1.b (b) the co-ordination and planning of water resources development projects;
Art.5.1.c (c) the administration and control of all water utilization; and
Art.5.1.d (d) prevention and control of water pollution.
Art.5.2 2. Where surface or underground water resources are shared by two or more of the contracting States, the latter shall act in consultation, and if the need arises, set up inter-State Commissions to study and resolve problems arising from the joint use of these resources, and for the joint development and conservation thereof.
Art.6 Article VI Flora
Art.6.1 1. The contracting States shall take all necessary measures for the protection of flora and to ensure its best utilization and development. To this end the Contracting States shall:
Art.6.1.a (a) adopt scientifically-based conservation, utilization and management plans of forests and rangeland, taking into account the social and economic needs of the States concerned, the importance of the vegetation cover for the maintenance of the water balance of an area, the productivity of soils and the habitat requirements of the fauna;
Art.6.1.b (b) observe section (a) above by paying particular attention to controlling bush fires, forest exploitation, land clearing for cultivation, and over-grazing by domestic and wild animals;
Art.6.1.c (c) set aside areas for forest reserve and carry out afforestation programmers where necessary;
Art.6.1.d (d) limitation of forest grazing to season and intensities that will not prevent forest regeneration; and
Art.6.1.e (e) establish botanical gardens to perpetuate plant species of particular interest.
Art.6.2 2. The Contracting States also shall undertake the conservation of plant species or communities, which are threatened and/ or of special scientific or aesthetic value by ensuring that they are included in conservation areas.
Art.7 Article VII Faunal Resources
Art.7.1 1. The Contracting States shall ensure conservation, wise use and development of faunal resources and their environment, within the framework of land-use planning and of economic and social development. Management shall be carried out in accordance with plans based on scientific principles, and to that end the Contracting States shall:
Art.7.1.a (a) manage wildlife populations inside designated areas according to the objective s of such areas and also manage exploitable wildlife populations outside such areas for an optimum sustained yield, compatible with and complementary to other land uses; and
Art.7.1.b (b) manage aquatic environments, whether in fresh, brackish or coastal water, with a view to minimize deleterious effects of any water and land use practice which might adversely affect aquatic habitats.
Art.7.2 2. The Contracting States shall adopt adequate legislation on hunting, capture and fishing, under which:
Art.7.2.a (a) the issue of permits is properly regulated;
Art.7.2.b (b) unauthorized methods are prohibited;
Art.7.2.c (c) the following methods of hunting, capture and fishing are prohibited:
Art.7.2.c.1 (1) any method liable to cause a mass destruction of wild animals;
Art.7.2.c.2 (2) the use of drugs; poisons, poisoned weapons or poisoned baits;
Art.7.2.c.3 (3) the use of explosives;
Art.7.2.c.4 (4) the following methods of hunting and capture are particularly prohibited:
Art.7.2.c.4.i (i) the use of mechanically propelled vehicles;
Art.7.2.c.4.ii (ii) the use of fire;
Art.7.2.c.4.iii (iii) the use of fire arms capable of firing more than one round at each pull of the trigger;
Art.7.2.c.4.iv (iv) hunting or c capture at night;
Art.7.2.c.4.v (v) the use of missiles containing detonators.
Art.7.2.d (d) the following methods of hunting or capture are as far as possible prohibited:
Art.7.2.d.1 (1) the use of nets and stockades;
Art.7.2.d.2 (2) the use of concealed traps, pits, snares, set-gun traps, deadfalls, and hunting rom a blind or hide.
Art.7.2.e (e) with a view to as rational use as possible of game meat the abandonment by hunters of carcasses of animals, which represent a food resource, is prohibited. Capture of animals with the aid of drugs or mechanically-propelled vehicles, or hunting or capture by night if carried out by, or under the control of, the competent authority shall nevertheless be exempted from the prohibitions under (c) above.
Art.8 Article VIII Protected Species
Art.8.1 1. The Contracting States recognize that it is important and urgent to accord a special protection to those animal and plant species that are threatened with extinction, or which may become so, and to the habitat necessary to their survival. Where such a species is represented only in the territory of one Contracting State, that State has a particular responsibility for its protection. These species which are, or may be listed, according to the degree of protection that shall be given to them are placed in Class A or B of the Annex to this Convention, and shall be protected by Contracting States as follows:
Art.8.1.a (a) species in Class A shall be totally protected throughout the entire territory of the Contracting States; the hunting, killing, capture or collection of specimens shall be permitted only on the authorization in each case of the highest competent authority and only if required in the national interest or for scientific purposes; and
Art.8.1.b (b) species in Class B shall be totally protected, but may be hunted, killed, captured or collected under special authorization granted by the competent authority.
Art.8.2 2. The competent authority of each Contracting State shall examine the necessity of applying the provisions of this article to species not listed in the annex, in order to conserve the indigenous flora and fauna of their respective countries. Such additional species shall be placed in Class A or B by the State concerned, according to its specific requirements.
Art.9 Article IX Traffic in Specimens and Trophies
Art.9.1 1. In the case of animal species to which Article VIII does not apply the Contracting States shall:
Art.9.1.a (a) regulate trade in and transport of specimens and trophies;
Art.9.1.b (b) control the application of these regulations in such a way as to prevent trade in specimens and trophies which have been illegally captured or killed or obtained.
Art.9.2 2. In the case of plant and animal species to which Article VIII paragraph (1) applies, the Contracting States shall:
Art.9.2.a (a) take all measures similar to those in paragraph (1)
Art.9.2.b (b) make the export of such specimens and trophies subject to an authorization:
Art.9.2.b.1 (1) additional to that required for their capture, killing or collecting by Article VIII;
Art.9.2.b.2 (2) which indicates their destination;
Art.9.2.b.3 (3) which shall not be given unless the specimens or trophies have been obtained legally;
Art.9.2.b.4 (4) which shall be examined prior to exportation;
Art.9.2.b.5 (5) which shall be on a standard form, as may be arranged under Article XVI.
Art.9.2.c (c) make the import and transit of such specimens and trophies subject to the presentation of the authorization required under section (b) above, with due provision for the confiscation of specimens and trophies exported illegally, without prejudice to the application of other penalties.
Art.10 Article X Conservation Areas
Art.10.1 1. The Contracting States shall maintain and extend where appropriate, within their territory and where applicable in their territorial waters, the Conservation areas existing at the time of entry into force of the present convention and, preferably within the framework of land use planning programmers, assess the necessity of establishing additional conservation areas in order to:
Art.10.1.a (a) protect those ecosystems which are most representative of and particularly those which are in any respect peculiar to their territories;
Art.10.1.b (b) ensure conservation of all species and more particularly of those listed or may be listed in the annex to this convention.
Art.12 Article XVI Inter-State Co-operation
Art.12.1 1. The Contracting States shall co-operate:
Art.12.1.a (a) whenever such co-operation is necessary to give effect to the provisions of this convention, and
Art.12.1.b (b) whenever any national measure is likely to affect the natural resources of any other State.
Art.12.2 2. The Contracting States shall supply the Organization of African Unity with:
Art.12.2.a (a) the text of laws, decrees, regulations and instructions in force in their territories, which are intended to ensure the implementation of this Convention;
Art.12.2.b (b) reports on the results achieved in applying the provisions of this Convention; and
Art.12.2.c (c) all the information necessary for the complete documentation of matters dealt with by this Convention if requested.
Art.12.3 3. If so requested by Contracting States, the Organization of African Unity shall organize any meeting which may be necessary to dispose of any matters covered by this Convention. Requests for such meetings must be made by at least three of the Contracting States and be approved by two thirds of the States which it is proposed should participate in such meetings.
Art.12.4 4. Any expenditure arising from this Convention, which devolves upon the Organization of African Unity shall be included in its regular budget, unless shared by the Contracting States or otherwise defrayed.
Art.13 Article XVII Provision for Exceptions
Art.13.1 1. The provisions of this Convention shall not affect the responsibilities of Contracting States concerning:
Art.13.1.a (a) the paramount interest of the State;
Art.13.1.b (b) "force majeure";
Art.13.1.c (c) defense of human life.
Art.13.2 2. The provisions of this Convention shall not prevent Contracting States:
Art.13.2.a (a) in time of famine;
Art.13.2.b (b) for the protection of public health;
Art.13.2.c (c) in defense of property;
Art.13.2.dx to enact measures contrary to the provisions of the Convention, provided their application is precisely defined in respect of aim, time and place.