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Paragraphs in "Convention On Civil Liability For Nuclear Damage" coded as MEMB

Label Provision
Art.21 Article XXI
Art.21.Ax This Convention shall be open for signature by the States represented at the International Conference on Civil Liability for Nuclear Damage held in Vienna from 29 April to 19 May 1963.
Art.22 Article XXII
Art.22.Ax This Convention shall be ratified, and the instruments of ratification shall be deposited with the Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency.
Art.24 Article XXIV
Art.24.A A. All States Members of the United Nations, or of any of the specialized agencies or of the International Atomic Energy Agency not represented at the International Conference on Civil Liability for Nuclear Damage held in Vienna from 29 April to 19 May 1963, may accede to this Convention.
Art.24.B B. The instruments of accession shall be deposited with the Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency.
Art.24.C C. This Convention shall come into force in respect of the acceding State three months after the date of deposit of the instrument of accession of that State but not before the date of the entry into force of this Convention pursuant to Article XXIII.