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Paragraphs in "International Convention For The Permanent Control Of Outbreak Areas Of The Red Locust" coded as SBF

Label Provision
Art.4 Article IV
Art.4.a (a) The Council shall elect from among its members a President to hold office for one year. It shall have authority to appoint or dismiss the Secretary of the Council, the Director, the Secretary-Accountant and the scientific and technical personnel of the Control Service, and to determine their conditions of service.
Art.4.b (b) The Council shall meet in ordinary session each year in the month of June or July. Extraordinary meetings of the Council may be convened by the President or at the request of a majority of the Participating Governments.
Art.4.c (c) The Director of the Control Service shall forward each year, one month before the date fixed for the next meeting of the Council, his annual report to the Council. This shall be examined during the annual meeting of the Council.
Art.4.d (d) The Council shall at its annual meeting adopt the plans and estimates for the operations of the Control Service for the following Control year (beginning on the 1st July, of the current calendar year and ending on the 30th June of the following calendar year).
Art.4.e (e) The Council shall make its own rules of procedure, and shall have power to appoint an Executive Committee to carry out its decisions.
Art.5 Article V
Art.5.a a) The functions of the Control Service are as follows:
Art.5.a.1 (1) To organise the permanent control of known outbreak areas of the Red Locust and the investigation of regions suspected of being sources of origin of the Red Locust.
Art.5.a.2 (2) To take steps for the immediate destruction of any incipient swarms of Red Locusts discovered in recognised outbreak areas.
Art.5.a.3 (3) To organise, in collaboration with the Participating Governments, a Central Information Service on the movements and breeding of swarms of Red Locusts which might have spread outside the outbreak areas
Art.5.a.4 (4) To keep the Participating Governments and the Anti-Locust Research Centre informed of the Red Locust situation and of the progress of the operations of the Control Service by means of periodical reports.
Art.5.a.5 (5) To study the habits and the ecology of the Red Locust and the methods for its control.
Art.5.b (b) The Director of the Control Service shall engage all personnel of the Control Service, other than those whom the Council is authorised to appoint in accordance with Article IV (a).