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Paragraphs in "Convention For The Regulation Of The Meshes Of Fishing Nets And The Size Limits Of Fish" coded as MEMB

Label Provision
Art.14 Article 14
Art.14.1x This Convention shall be ratified as soon as possible and shall come into force two months after the deposit of instruments of ratification by all the Governments which have signed the Convention, or upon such earlier date as may be agreed between any Governments which may ratify or accede to it under Article 15 in respect of those Governments.
Art.15 Article 15
Art.15.1 (1) Any Government (other than the Government of a territory to which Article 16 applies) which has not signed this Convention may accede thereto at any time after it has come into force in accordance with Article 14. Accession shall be affected by means of a notification in writing addressed to the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and shall take effect immediately after the date of its receipt.
Art.15.2 (2) The Government of the United Kingdom will inform all the Governments which have signed or acceded to the present Convention of all accessions received and the date of their receipt.