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Paragraphs in "Convention Between Denmark, Norway And Sweden Concerning The Preservation Of Plaice In The Skagerak, Kattegat And Sound" coded as SCOP

Label Provision
Art.1 Article I.
Art.1.1x The provisions of the present Convention shall apply to:
Art.1.2x The Skagerak, bounded on the west by a straight line from Hanstholm Lighthouse to Lindesnæs Lighthouse and on the south by straight lines drawn from the northernmost point of the Skaw to Vinga Lighthouse and thence to the nearest point on the Hisingen coast,
Art.1.3x The Kattegat, bounded on the north by the Skaw and on the south by straight lines from Hasenöre to Gniben, and from Gilbjerg Hoved to Kullen Lighthouse,
Art.1.4x The Sound, bounded on the north by a straight line from Gilbjerg Hoved to Kullen Lighthouse and on the south by a straight line from Stevn Lighthouse to Falsterbo Lighthouse.